Board of Directors/Habitat Staff
Friday, May 1st:
ReStore staff returned to work this week with a combination of in-house work safely distanced as well as remote work and other options. Some ReStore staff have chosen to continue on unemployment at this time. Some staff will be utilizing vacation hours. Our general rule will be to limit the number of staff in the office and ReStore to allow for plenty of distancing. The gala committee is working hard on the new plan for the annual event, which has been postponed to May 29th and will be a virtual event with a to go meal from Pinehurst Country Club. We hope this will allow us to at least raise 50-75% of the budgeted proceeds from the traditional event.
ReStore will begin accepting donations Monday in the parking lot directly in the trucks and loaded by donors. We will keep those trucks rotating to allow the inventory to sit for 3-4 days minimum before being processed by staff.
We are all watching the metrics along with the rest of the state to determine when we can take the next steps of opening. I think a realistic date to target is June 1 for ReStore shopping and volunteering on the construction site.
We had 2 closings this week – Yay, Team! The construction team is now moving to the Carthage house to hopefully complete it by the end of May.
Thursday, April 23rd:
Good morning, Team!
We are looking forward to the announcement today from Governor Cooper to help identify some target dates for reopening our affiliate.
The Habitat for Humanity of NC State Support Organization (the SSO) has been hosting Executive Director zoom meetings that have been very helpful and today is hosting a ReStore Zoom meeting to help guide our plans for continued work and reopening. We plan to begin Zoom meetings for our Staff next week.
Thank you for your patience and help during this unprecedented time. We have continued to serve our homeowners by providing forbearance of mortgages for those with layoffs and reduced hours. We are grateful to be in the financial position that allows us to make this possible, and we could it have done it without the hard work of everyone at this affiliate.
Looking forward to seeing your awesome faces next week!
More Updates From Our Habitat Staff
Ellen Harrison
Family Services Coordinator
I know how Noah must have felt… Today is my 40th day at home with a dog, 7 cats ( 2 actually mine, others fosters or feral), 3 sheep, 20 chickens, 3 rabbits and a pig to take care of daily. I must admit it has probably stopped raining in my personal “deluge” as I did saw a bird (maybe not a dove) with a twig in it’s mouth!
Two of my children, John in Southern Pines and Dana is Vass have taken over the feed store and grocery store runs for me respectively. Between them and my doctor I am not allowed to mingle with the population. Something about being “old”. Speaking of which, on April 1st I was 75! The kids backed their trucks up to the fence gate and I backed mine up to my side and we had a tail gate birthday party. We had donuts because it was practical and a lot of fun because that is what we do. It’s hard to see the grandkids and not hug them.
Otherwise, the garden is taking a lot of my time and books and old movies on TV.
I miss Habitat. I miss all of you ( well, most anyway). I talk to many of you and many of the hips and homeowners have called. I feel loved and appreciated when I think of Habitat. Soon this will be over and I will run and see all of you.
Wednesday, April 22nd:
It’s a good morning for the affiliate! We received our PPP funding yesterday, and we are looking forward to the days of opening the ReStore safely as well as welcoming volunteers back to the build sites. No doubt we will need to make adjustments in the way we do business going forward, but we are hopeful that we can resume activities of some kind in the near future. May will be deep cleaning month in the ReStore, with a focus on those many projects that we always wish we had time to do. Kim and Dondi met yesterday to create the list of projects and a gameplan for all staff. They have scheduled out the weeks ahead to ensure safe distancing, reasonable work expectations, and productive activities to ready our ReStore and our staff to be even better than before (doesn’t seem possible, does it – you all were so good, already). Thank you, leaders!
We plan to meet with Alicia McCoy next week to video tape her virtual dedication – we will keep you posted!
Tuesday, April 21th:
Be sure to check out the Pinckney Construction video that Principle Wilson shared with us. This program was the first of it's kind for Sandhills Habitat. We paved the road bumps so that our next project with be a breeze. It was so successful on so many levels.
Monday, April 20th:
We signed loan document for the PPP over the weekend, which is great news! This will provide funding for all payroll costs plus the cost of utilities and rent expense. The total award is $184,700 which will be used for May and June. Our hope is that ReStore will be up and running in some fashion during the month of June. The ReStore leadership team will be meeting this week to plan out the month of May with other staff starting back on April 27th. Schedules will be made to provide for safe distancing, project-based work to prepare the ReStore for reopening. Let’s all take this extra time to ensure our offices, shared work areas and volunteer areas are the cleanest and most effective they can be.
Thank you to everyone! We have enjoyed seeing what everyone has been up to if homebound, and I think we are all excited to each other and get back to business.
More Updates From Our Habitat Staff
Dondi Jones
Moore ReStore Manager
Hello gang, me and my family are doing very well. I have all of my kids together here with my wife and I. My twins have been down here for about a month now. This situation gave me a chance to spend a lot of time with my kids. I thought I would be going crazy but it’s not. This is my practice retirement situation. 😂😂 I pray I get to see that for real one day. We’ve done everything from working out together, yard work, whiffle ball. My son and I did a Indianapolis Colts puzzle. I’m a fan of the Colts ~Dondi Jones
Friday, April 17th:
Good morning, Gang -
Although we are awaiting confirmation, it appears we are in good shape on our PPP application. We will wait to make next decisions until we receive the email and take next steps, but we are hopeful.
Thank you to all who are continuing the affiliate’s work, and those who are making our day brighter with their quarantine updates! We are still on track for our 2 closings on April 30th and we will be hosting a virtual dedication for one of the homes in the final week of April, as well. ReStore, if you would like to add to the video, it could be a great place to have a commercial – maybe a video of the inside of the ReStore for those who don’t realize all of the great products? We are aiming for a 3-4 minutes video dedication including a brief tour of Alicia McCoy’s home – which pretty much looks like Chip and Jo designed it.
We will be making a call on the May 29th gala in the coming week, as well, and we are working on next year’s budget during this time away.
Keep staying safe – we look forward to seeing you all soon!
More Updates From Our Habitat Staff
Amy Guinn
Richmond ReStore Manager
Activities in RC are pretty mundane, which I consider a good thing in the present health scare.
I have visited our ReStore a couple of times a week to check on things and see if donations are being dropped off, etc. So far, so good. What amazes me is that our shopping center parking lot, which contains a Lowes, Dollar General and McDonald’s to name the anchors, is still full of cars every day. Residents have been out getting their DIY project essentials, spring flowers and burgers I guess. I have kept up with hard core volunteers via phone and facebook , they are looking forward to returning to the ReStore and “normal.”
We have had our first reports of confirmed cases of COVID-19 just this week, the count is 2, although the health department is stating they believe the people who have tested positive got the virus from outside RC.
On the bright side, I have enjoyed family time. We celebrated our oldest son’s 26th birthday yesterday with burgers on the grill, homemade mac & cheese and a lemon cake! All of these are his favorites of course.
I hope all stay healthy! I tag Dondi, let’s hear about what the Jones crew has been doing…
AMy Guinn
RB Gardner
Americorp ( and retired military)
DTG: 040715R20
Good morning. Keeping it light and adding a bit of humor w/ above DAILY SITREP.
Quite pleased to hear everybody is doing as well as can be expected, and all the positive things and efforts that have and are continuing to take place.
Have been fortunate insofar as the majority of work that I need to accomplish can take place on my kitchen table; i.e. racking and stacking all things Neighborhood Revitalization before my AmeriCorps tour of duty comes to a close. Please stay safe, healthy and in good spirits.
Do not want to forget our Richmond County family members. Amy Guinn, you have been tagged and the ball is in your court.
Best Regards,
Tuesday, April 14th:
Good morning, Team!
We are still awaiting word on PPP application, but moving forward with the work of the affiliate the best we can. We met yesterday to begin planning our next dedication which will be a virtual dedication of one of the two homes slated to close on Alan Charles Way on April 30th. We look forward to having a great tour of our energy efficient home online for the many people who have never had the opportunity to see the excellent work we do!
Congrats to Mark Trudeau for the recent North Carolina Housing Finance Agency grant award of $100,000 for Urgent Repairs in Richmond County! This is a huge deal as we’ve been persistently applying for this grant for 3 years and learning a little more each time we do. In the words of the grantor “persistence pays off - you did it!”
I hope everyone is safe and sound, and has power (day two of no power here). My highlight of the weekend was getting to see Dondi on a TikTok - it pays to have kids who know kids!!!
Miss you guys - looking forward to seeing you soon.
Friday, April 10th:
Good morning, Team – we are wishing all of you a safe and happy Easter holiday weekend. Thank you for being part of our Habitat family and for your patience as we navigate this situation. Please feel free to reach out if you have additional questions or needs during this time.Thursday, April 9th:
Good morning – we hope everyone is continuing to weather this crazy storm as best they can. Thank you for the updates on your world – it was wonderful to see some of your faces this week!
We received an update from BB&T regarding the PPP loan application – as of right now we don’t have to take any further action, our application is received and is in the queue. They received over 10,000 applications and are working through them as best they can. The ReStore team contacted all staff members this week to update them that we are moving forward with rehiring in hopes that we will receive this forgivable loan as we are prepared to accommodate financially as needed through April regardless. They are working on a rotating schedule that will allow staff to maintain safe distances from others as well as remote options for some staff. Construction staff are continuing on 2 homes on Alan Charles Way with anticipated closings scheduled for April 30th. Administrative staff are generally working remotely at this time but stopping in office as needed. Some are using work hours to partner with other agencies providing crisis assistance – thank you to Laurie for working at McDeeds Creek Elementary yesterday to package meals in partnership with the Boys and Girls Club. Fallon and her crew did a wonderful job, and it is a critical need many of our Habitat families rely upon. If you would like to volunteer with another organization as part of your work hours, please let me know – we would love to see more of it.
Looking forward to getting everyone back into the action in the coming weeks! Thank you for your dedication to Habitat – your work has meant 271 families have a safe and affordable place to isolate their families during this crisis and that losing their home doesn’t have to be a worry to add to the many worries out there right now. They appreciate it!
More Updates from Our Staff
AmeriCorps - ReStore
Hola Y'all! First, I want to thank Krystal for the tag!
Up until today my few weeks have been non-eventful. The first couple of weeks I found myself with all of this discretionary time, but didn't know what to do with myself. I'm now getting into a few projects in and out of the house. I've been walking a lot with friends which means Charlotte is getting her extra steps in too. She loves her walks and the weather couldn't be any better these days. It's hard to believe we are in a pandemic when I'm surrounded by the beauty of spring.
Charlotte is spending a week in Ellerbe while my sweet Latti is staying with me. For those who don't know, Latti is my daughter's dog and we dog share a few times a year. I love having her here and have attached a picture.
As I said it has been uneventful until today. This a.m. my 16 year old pulled out in front of a car on Indiana and Country Club. She is ok but her car may be totalled and she T-boned a sporty red Mercedes. I'm thankful no one was hurt but this really stinks. I may need a raise Mark to cover this
I bought a Swiffer last week and assembled it without instructions, I made a really good vegetable lasagna and I'm embracing the solitude more and more.
Miss all of you and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I am tagging my friend RB!
Beth Farinella
Wishing you health and happy moments,
Tuesday, April 7th:
Good morning, everyone! Thank you to our Board Leadership for supporting the decision to rehire staff effective March 25! We appreciate you and have been working to find the best way to support staff while also having a full affiliate to return to after this break from business-as-usual.
Although we have not received word on whether we will be granted the forgivable loan to cover payroll for the next 8 weeks (Payroll Protection Program through SBA), we will be continuing pay in anticipation that this will provide us with the necessary cash flow to maintain all staff even during ReStore closure. If received, this will allow us to provide for payroll through the end of May. All full-time staff will be paid for full-time hours or for the scheduled hours as determined by your department leaders if you are part-time.
For staff who have been working full-time since closure, your department will determine approximately 80 hours of time off with pay over the next 2 months. For those working reduced hours, please adjust your future weeks, accordingly. Please reach out to your supervisor if you are unsure of the expectations.
We will continue to update through this page, but welcome your own updates to share - here are a few from this week:
From our ReStore Volunteer Coordinator,
Hi all! I have not had the most entertaining couple of weeks but they have been productive - for the most part. I've kept in contact with many of my volunteers, touching base with a few every couple days. For some of them its the highlight of their day! Which makes my day! My house is spotless and plenty of items to take to the Restore! Kayla and I have spent much needed time together, watching way too much TV! We have also went out for a few nice long car rides, the weather has been amazing! As far as pets, my dog Ian is as restless as we are, is eating double the amount of his usual food and wants to spend more time than usual outside. I do believe we are getting on his nerves!
Reading these have been very enjoyable!
Everyone stay safe and healthy!
I tag Beth Farinella!!!
Krystal Allen
From our Finance & Homeowner Mortgage Manager,
As you all know, you are my only connections (friends and family) in this area….so of course I MISS YOU ALL!
Our construction staff has worked so hard to get 210 & 220 Alan Charles Way complete! Because we were able to get conditional appraisals last week, I was able to submit loan packages to NC Housing & First Bank for our two HIPS. Both HIPS (Alicia McCoy & Dorian Holmes) received NCHFA approval by Friday of last week. YAY!!! Which means both HIPS will get into their homes even with this pandemic…there is still good stuff happening out there!
As for me, I’ve spent the past two weekends moving into my new place. Special shout out to Dondi and Yude for helping me with the heavy stuff! Besides trying to get my digs unpacked and organized, I’ve been cruising SP on my Schwinn cruiser…. which I purchased from the ReStore. Tag Krystal Allen, YOU ARE IT!
Laurie Addison
From the ReStore Director,
Yay, I love this. It is very much needed to feel connected!
Well, I am trying to stay focused on all of the things that I wish I had more time for and not just on my days off. We have been landscaping the house as seen in one of the pics. My husband built two gorgeous raised beds and a third to come for my cucumbers and tomatoes and of course some herbs and perennials. Not to mention our huge garden that has been started with onions, potatoes, okra and green beans. As you can see in the other two pics, Miss Shelby and Ebony are completely content with me being home to spoil them. My husband also put up a clothesline for me, and yes I have been hanging laundry out every day and loving the fresh air. I do climb the walls at times due to the ReStore hustle on pause. In hopes that this will pass sooner than later. I really miss working, running around crazy and interaction with my Habitat Family!
Miss Laurie Addison… Tag You Are It!!!:)
Stay safe everyone and will see y’all soon.
Kim Braddy
From our Repair Coordinator,
Ok, day late...sorry.
Hope everyone is getting used to seclusion (sorry extroverts!) Trudeau's are hanging in. Not so bad when you live in the woods. UNC evicted all dorm students so our youngest is back home...for the whole summer.
Last repair project was worthy of sharing. Rick and Ed put plan together before we shutdown to enable a lady with recent kidney failure to safely exit her home. Replaced makeshift cinderblock steps with solid porch and wood steps. Everyone should feel good that we are able to do this kind of work for people in need. Since I could not see Stacy's photo, I'm sending one of my boy, Cooper and his new toy.
Take care, and Kim, I pass to you
From our Marketing and Communications Manager,
Hope you all are finding a healthy ways to manage and connect with love ones you might be missing. Hope you don’t mind if I start this chain letter to keep us all connected!
I’ll kick it off with an update of Ollie since some of you met him when he was a pup. As some of you know, my sister and I rescued all on the side of Route #1 on our way to a Rockingham Home Dedication. He was about 6 weeks old and 14 lbs. I took him in as a foster but he is so smart and cute that I had to let him stay. He is now 5 months and 52 lbs.! Here is an update photo with Emmy Lou. I guess these are my co-workers for the next couple of weeks
. I am going to tap Mark Trudeau to be next! Please reply all, add anyone I have missed, and your personal or business story success story or something you are proud off. Don’t forget to delegate the next person and don’t break the chain.
Thank you,
Stacy “Habitat for Humanity - Home is where our story begins.”
Monday, April 6:
Good morning, Habitat! No one is allowed to poke fun at bankers hours anymore - our friends at BB&T (and likely most other banks) were working round the clock this weekend to deliver the PPP (Payroll Protection Program) forgivable loan applications to us as quickly as possible. We have completed and submitted the application, and are now awaiting word on whether we will be able to cover our April and May payroll costs (thus continuing payroll uninterrupted for all staff). We will post any updates as soon as we hear them. Special thanks to board member, Lisa Fagan, who demonstrated her amazing mom-skills by cooking quesadillas as she helped me navigate the portal!!
Thank you for the updates from around the affiliate – we will compile some of them in tomorrow’s information. Please take a few minutes to share a few words or pics of your status – we would love to hear/see you.
Today, the construction team will continue on the 2 homes closest to being completed. Both have been appraised and their mortgage packages submitted to NCHFA for underwriting and approval. Both homeowners work in the healthcare field, so this a great way to provide the kind of support we can as an organization to those on the front lines of this crisis. Also, we are working with any homeowners who have lost their jobs or are facing economic uncertainty at this time. We are proud to be able to continue providing our support to our homeowners in need as this is what we always do. The challenge at this time is that so many are facing economic issues simultaneously. It is also challenging because the mortgage payments constitute 1/3 of our cash flow while ReStore and events (like the postponed gala) and other contributions make up the other 2/3s. That is why they PPP option is so critical – if we can find a way to hang on through the next couple of months and also be somewhat productive, I think we have a great chance of coming back in full force.
We need some creative ideas on dedications for these two homes – Tiktok videos? Zoom dedication? U-Tube? Send in your ideas!
OK, gang – hoping to come to you with good news in the next few days – thank you for your patience and support.
[email protected]
Friday, April 3:
We will be applying for the Payroll Protection Plan forgivable loan in hopes that we can secure funding to cover 2 months of payroll, utilities and rent. Stay tuned, and we will get the information out as soon as we can.
How is everyone doing? What do you need? What has been your quarantine past-time? Feel free to send a pic! Send your messages and photos to [email protected]
Stay Engaged, Stay Healthy,
Wednesday, April 1:
The Eastern NC Habitat affiliates will meet today at 1pm to discuss SBA loans, PPP and operational concerns. We are also on a webinar call Thursday morning about the CARES Act. These are hopeful lifelines for our affiliate and other small businesses to get us back up and running as soon as possible, at least from a staff perspective.
A bright note from yesterday – I spoke with Pastor Ronnie McLean at Freedom Baptist Church in Rockingham. Future homeowner, Aurilla Shaw, and I were scheduled to speak at their Easter service (which is now postponed), and the church plans to take up a special offering to support her home. As he shared his church’s interest in supporting the build, his daughter, who lives in Robbins, felt called to support and she and her husband donated $1,000 to the effort. Then, his brother, who is a pastor at Kings Gate Church, asked to get in on the challenge as it turns out that Aurilla and her family attend his church. Amazingly enough, that same daughter who had donated the $1,000 has been working with Aurilla’s children as the youth pastor for the uncle’s church and had been talking about these wonderful kids and how much she cares for them (2 have special needs) and didn’t realize that was the same family. Also, after having us join them for Sunday service just a few weeks ago to present Habitat with a $15,000 donation toward her home, a member of the church offered to supply the windows of her home for free, also. It is incredible to watch a community come together to support those in need.
Thank you to those staff reaching out to volunteers – I know Christy and Krystal have been doing this, and Keith made Ken Clarke’s day by checking up on him in Canada. Ken is doing well, and it means a lot to know we are thinking of him.
Tuesday, March 31 Update:
We are learning about and working on the potential SBA loan that may allow us to sustain operations and possibly staff during the crisis. Thank you to board member, Lisa Fagan, and to our Habitat for Humanity of NC team who are helping connect us with solutions.
Our affiliate will be sponsoring dinners next week for the Boys and Girls Club. They are serving many of our Habitat families already, so this is a great way to support a local effort in greater need during this time. If you would like to participate in deliveries of food (if needed), please let me know and I will coordinate and reach out when we have further information from Fallon Brewington (Habitat board member and Executive Director of the Boys and Girls Club).
Spoke with some ReStore volunteers yesterday, and they all send their hellos to the team and shared their desire to get back to business. I learned that several brought linens, puzzles, clothing and other items to price and prep while at home – what a team! Also, Barb said to visit the Whispering Pines Harris Teeter at 7am for your best chance at paper towels.
Thank you and stay safe today! ~Amie
Monday, March 30 Update:
Thank you for checking into the Board of Directors/Habitat Staff page. In an effort to provide up-to-date communication to all staff, we will send this link to all members where updates will be posted on a regular basis. If you have questions or concerns not being addressed, please call/text/email Amie at 910-639-4016 or [email protected].
With the closings effective today at 5 pm through the end of the month, our April plans are to continue construction activities limited to new house construction while practicing proper social distancing in order to complete the 4 homes underway in Aberdeen and Carthage with only construction staff and construction leadership. Farrah and Laurie will be working with the construction team part of the time and working in the office at other times to continue with administrative work such as paying invoices and processing mail. Other administrative staff is working remotely with reduced or zero hours for the month of April. I will be working 20 hours at ½ salary during this month, primarily from home.
Unemployment: Before the crisis, Farrah had been in communication with the Unemployment office to update contact information and online access for our affiliate. We are awaiting information that will allow us to process claims. We anticipate it will arrive this week. March paychecks, however, will be for full scheduled hours. If you have any questions about unemployment, please contact Farrah at the office or [email protected].
We checked in with many Habitat homeowner families last week during food distribution with the Boys & Girls Club. We will continue to do so in the coming weeks.
We are working on ways to keep supporters engaged during these weeks. If you have any suggestions, please let us know. Please consider following our Facebook page @SandhillsHabitat, @SandhillsRestore, or @RichmondHabitat.
Our goal is to be able to get back to business as soon as closings are lifted. Until then, please take care of your families and stay safe.
Amie N. Fraley
Executive Director
Habitat for Humanity of the NC Sandhills