Apostles Build 2024

Our Family Partner

Faith partners in the Sandhills will build beside Homebuyer-in-Progress (HIP) Shanti McLaughlin. Shanti is a Moore County native who heard about our mission through word of mouth. She works at Carolina Eye Associates as an Ophthalmic Assistant and plans to return to school to further her career. Shante is in her "happy place" at home with her three children, cooking and listening to music. She is looking forward to having a yard where her children can go out and play.

We know that strong and stable homes build strong and stable communities. We are taught to love our neighbors as ourselves. And with a hand-up, everyone has the potential to stand on their own. Therefore, in each Apostle Build cycle, members of the faith community join with Habitat to put their faith into action by co-sponsoring and co-building a house in partnership with a neighbor in need. Together, they create a foundation for a family to build their future.

Each “Apostle” will be responsible for:

  • Helping to provide funding needed for the construction of a house through direction donation or fundraising,
  • Helping to provide volunteers to build the house. No experience or expertise is required, but anyone with experience is always helpful!
  • Provide a lead contact person to work closely with Habitat’s Program Coordinator to schedule build days and ensure volunteer needs/expectations are met.

Learn how your church can get involved!