Latest Past Events

Home Dedication on Page Cunningham Road

220 Page Cunningham Road Aberdeen

Habitat is celebrating the completion of another affordable home in the Blue Bird Hill neighborhood at the end of Keyser road, Page Cunningham Road. Join us in dedicating the home of Shaunda McNeil. The affordable home is a testament to the partnership between the community and Sandhills Habitat. Through shelter, we empower.

Home Dedication on Page Cunningham Road

225 Page Cunningham Road Aberdeen

Habitat is celebrating the completion of another affordable home in the Blue Bird Hill neighborhood at the end of Keyser road, Page Cunningham Road. Join us in dedicating the home of Vickie and Ed Mitchell. The affordable home is a testament to the partnership between the community and Sandhills Habitat. Through shelter, we empower.

Habitat Richmond County HomeBuyer Pre-Meeting

Prime Choice Investments 617B E. Broad Ave. Rockingham 617B E. Broad Ave, Rockingham

Thinking about applying for the Habitat Home Partnership program this summer. You have a special opportunity to learn about the program in Richmond County and get ahead of the ball. Download Flyer Here.